1. Open a Business Bank Account. Do not start without this. I live in Canada and use Simplii Financial for all my banking needs. NO FEES Banking will help you save money. Now take that money you have saved on Bank Fees and allocate it to something else. If you are a friend of mine and are reading this send me an email and I will give you my referral link.
2. Research and Select a Business Name. Your Business Name should reflect something you do in your business. For instance I sew. So my business name is Home Stitchery Decor. You can research highly searched names with Google. It's easy. Open up google and search Business Name Generator. Use correctly spelled words, because that's what the public is most likely to search. Search the name across every platform you can think of to make sure it is not taken somewhere already. Once you have found a name that you think may work try doing a Nuans Search. Also make sure the domain for your business name is available. They cost about $13.00 Canadian and can be ordered online. Once you have confirmation the name is available sign yourself up to every platform.
3. Signing up for every platform does not mean you have to work off every platform. You are just securing your name in case you want to later! For instance some businesses work best marketing on Instagram and others use TIKTOK. Just create the accounts for each and have them in your back pocket. And be sure to watch a tutorial before you sign up on each platform. For instance you don't want your user name to be 1298754 or some computer generated number. So go to YouTube and type in - How do I set up a Business Instagram Account. Some one has made a video - trust me. Just like someone is writing this blog. You don't have to think about much anymore, just use the tools and resources available and type your query into Google.
4. GoDaddy! Remember that money I saved you by telling you to sign up for fee free banking a few paragraphs ago...well here's where you can spend the first months savings. Buy the dot.com for the business name you selected. If you can afford to purchase the .ca, .org, .net do that to. But, and this is very important...do not skip buying the dot.com Dot.com is the most recognized web extension, and the most trusted. Dot.com will rank you higher in searches and can ultimately add revenue to your bank account. I personally use Go.Daddy for mine. All of mine. I own several.
5. Shopify. The absolute best in my opinion! From the sales and service team to their online support! Heck there is even a Facebook Group where people who actually have their own stores on the platform will answer just about any question you have in a matter of minutes. Seriously so good I ask questions all the time... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1808796845814578 . As you get skilled in the platform be sure to join in and answer an newbies questions. Shopify has a multitude of available themes starting from beginner to advanced. It integrates so easy with domains from GoDaddy and they also have their own POS System you can purchase for your craft business sales. It helps you keep track of sales and inventory on one POS system, have multiple employees and security options and authorities for sign ins. From beginner to advanced Shopify for the win!